Last updated 2003-12-01 13:03:26 EST
Doc Title Text Class Templates
Author 1 Stoeffler, Matt
CVS Revision $Revision: 1.6 $
Text Class template files

The table below gives a brief description of all templates included in the Text Class distribution. As a companion, you may also want to view the list of processing instructions also supported in text class.

bbagbooleansearchform.chnk Supplies the form HTML for boolean searching within contents of book bag. Works with bbagsearch.tpl; together replacing booleanbbag.tpl
bbagemail.tpl Displays a form for emailing the contents of the book bag. The form contains only one input box for an email address.
bbaglist.tpl Displays current contents of the book bag.
bbagproximitysearchform.chnk Supplies the form HTML for proximity searching within contents of book bag. Works with bbagsearch.tpl; together replacing proximitybbag.tpl
bbagsearch.tpl Container HTML for all forms providing searches within book bag.
bbagsimplesearchform.chnk Supplies the form HTML for basic searching within contents of book bag. Works with bbagsearch.tpl; together replacing simplebbag.tpl
bibsearchform.chnk Supplies the form HTML for bibliographic searching within [a] specified collection[s]. Works with search.tpl; together replacing bib.tpl and bibext.tpl
booleansearchform.chnk Supplies the form HTML for Boolean searching within [a] specified collection[s]. Works with search.tpl; together replacing boolean.tpl and booleanext.tpl
browse_template.tpl Generic browse template.
browsecolls.tpl Used to display lists of collections, grouped by collection groups.
header.tpl Displays bibliographic header and table of contents.
home.tpl Home page template for links to home after sessions have been established.
jsheader.chnk Container for all Javascript code required for navigation menus.
navheader.chnk Container for all navigation/header HTML, inserted in all template pages.
newmaterial.tpl Informational page included in the UMDL Texts portal site.
note.tpl Displays contents of a note within a designated target window.
pageviewer.frameset.tpl Draws the frameset for displaying documents as page-facsimile-images.
pageviewer.main.tpl Main frame of pageviewer.frameset containing the current page image.
pageviewer.nav.tpl Top frame of pageviewer.frameset containing site header cells
pageviewer.pagenav.tpl Middle frame of pageviewer.frameset, containing navigation bar and document navigation elements.
picklist.tpl For incidences where an id reference to a document may be incomplete, producing a list of documents with ids that contain the id reference. The template generates a list of possible documents as a linked list. Replaces both pageviewer.picklist.tpl and text.picklist.tpl
proximitysearchform.chnk Supplies the form HTML for proximity searching within [a] specified collection[s]. Works with search.tpl; together replacing proximity.tpl and proximityext.tpl
reslist.tpl Displays results for searches against one or more collections.
search.tpl Container HTML for all forms providing searches for collection[s].
searchhistory.tpl Displays a search history for the current session as a table, containing, in one table, the successfully submitted queries as links for resubmission.
simplesearchform.chnk Supplies the form HTML for basic searching within [a] specified collection[s]. Works with search.tpl; together replacing simple.tpl and simpleext.tpl
text.tpl Displays any requested portion of a fully encoded text.
viewtextnote.tpl Displays a warning note when the "view entire text" link is selected from a bibliographic header page.
ww-full.tpl Container HTML for the word index form after a word index has been started. References components ww-fullnewsearchform.chnk and ww-fullscrollform.chnk
ww-fullnewsearchform.chnk Provides the form HTML for a new word wheel search option in a current word wheel form. Referenced from ww-full.tpl
ww-fullscrollform.chnk Provides the HTML content for the full word wheel scroll list to ww-full.tpl
ww-start.tpl Word index initial form. displays an input box or linked index for entering a word index.