The Findaid Class DTD

The DTD used by the DLXS Findaid Class is essentially identical to the EAD2002 DTD. For more information on the EAD2002 DTD, please visit the Library of Congress EAD2002 web site. The only difference is that the dlxsead2002.dtd has one extra element defined that wraps any number ead elements. In this way, we can create a collection of individual ead elements; i.e., a collection of individual finding aids.

Encoding your EAD

DLPS does not have any preferred methods or quick and easy tools for this stage of the process. Only you, looking at your texts and your encoding practices, can do the intellectual work required to encode your finding aids in XML using the EAD 2002 DTD.

Practical EAD Encoding Issues

There are, however, two areas of practice that can have an effect on your online collection that are outside of hands-on encoding or conversion of word processed finding aids. One is the use of IDs as attributes on elements. I want to make it clear that we are NOT talking about the eadid here, but refer to IDs used to identify the element so that it can be referred to, or referenced from, somewhere else. You no doubt all know that each ID within a document must be unique (and the DTD enforces this). However, you may not have thought about the consequences of joining all your finding aids into one collection. Your IDs will need to be unique across the entire collection. One way to ensure this is to prefix ID values with the eadid for a given document. At this time, there is no functionality in DLXS that requires you to have IDs on any elements, but you may have used them for your own internal purposes. Here at DLPS, we have run into this ourselves and are simply giving a heads-up, on the theory that our problems are fairly typical.

Another issue that you might run into, especially if you are migrating finding aids from SGML EAD 1.0 to XML EAD 2002, is that of handling special characters. If you are authoring finding aids in multiple languages in XML using some XML authoring tool, this is unlikely to be a problem for you -- you are aware of the issues, UTF-8 is the default encoding for XML, you will have no problems. You'll just want to make sure to index with the UTF-8 enabled version of XPAT. If you have finding aids with multiple languages and/or special characters, you have probably thought this through already. However, if you have the occasionally e acute (é) in your SGML finding aid, you'll need to think about what you want to do with these characters. A straight converstion from SGML to XML will probably convert your character entities (for example, é) in your files to numeric entities (for example, é). While this is valid, it will present a problem with regard to searching. XPAT will treat this as a string of characters, and in order to search for blesséd, you would need to key in blesséd. If all your special characters are ISO Latin 1, you can convert them to their 8-bit equivalents and index as usual. If you have a mixture, UTF-8 is the way to go. Again, this is merely a heads up. Note that the sample finding aids supplied with the release were chosen for their size and linking behaviors; they are sadly conventional in their use of character entities (ampersand only, in fact).