Release Notes for DLXS Release 12 - 31 OCT 2005

General Information

DLXS Release 12 is the first release of DLXS that primarily uses XML/XSLT to deliver HTML. Unicode data, encoded as XML, is indexed and searched. XML results and other dynamic data is further packaged as a XML and handed to a set of XSL files which render HTML. As of Release 12, TextClass, ImageClass and FindaidClass use this as the only way to deliver HTML. BibClass has not yet been brought up to the same form of implementation.

The main changes in Release 12:

Release 12 is comprised of:

Known Problems

Lib Known Problems

A coding error in the file DLXSROOT/lib/ manifests as: 1) loss of search history 2) loss of bookbag contents 3) inability to progress through different "slices" of results. The search history, bookbag and sort order of results are all saved in the session. The error causes a new session to be created each time the middleware runs resulting in the lost of whatever might have been saved in the previous session. The browser will only read cookies for the domain in the URL. The code is putting the wrong ( domain in the cookie.

Beginning at line number 144 you should see code that looks like this:
my $sessionCookie = new CGI::Cookie(
                                    -name => $sessionCookieName,
                                    -value => $sid,
                                    -path => '/',
                                    -expires => '+3h',
                                    -domain => '',
Change the domain from "" to whatever domain your DLXS virtual host(s) run from. For example "". Make sure your new string has two dots in it.

XPAT Known Problems


Database Known Problems


Image Class Known Problems

XPAT version 5.3.2

Lib version 4.0.1

New and Changed Functionality

Text Class version 4.0.1

New and Changed Functionality

Bib Class version 3.2.1

New and Changed Functionality

There is a new subclass of BibClass that is able to query Z3950 search
engines. It uses Net::Z3950 to connect and create Z3950 queries which it
then issues to a Z3950 search engine. Presently it is designed to expect
UTF-8 reponses from its Z3950 queries, so some of the template files need to
be subclassed to handle the UTF-8 responses. The collmgr parameter 'host'
indicates the server where the Z3950 engine resides. It is important to
note that presently it will only create queries for following fields: title,
author, pubyear, language, and id, and that it assumes that the Z3950
search engine has a database with the same name as the collid, which is
indicated when connecting to the engine. Here at UM, we are using Zebra as
our Z3950 general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine.

Image Class version 4.0.1

New and Changed Functionality

Broker20 version 1.2.1

New and Changed Functionality

Collmgr version 3.2.1

New and Changed Functionality

dlxs database fields removed since Release 11a; not in Release 12's database version 5


FindaidClass version 6.0.1

New and Changed Functionality

XClass version 2.2.1

New and Changed Functionality