Workshop Schedule

(each morning runs from 9 am to 12pm with a break at 10:30 am;
each afternoon session from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm with a break at 3:00)

For a more detailed view of topics, see the Course Outline

Day 1


  1. Introductions and course objectives
  2. Administrative details
  3. Demonstration of functionality of FindaidClass and ImageClass Middleware
  4. Overview of systems


  1. Software Installation
    1. Discussion of installation of XPAT
    2. Actual installation of Middleware
    3. Multiple release strategy
  2. Sample Data
    1. Sample Data Configuration
    2. Running of Sample Data
  3. Troubleshooting Middleware

Day 2


  1. Database Migration
  2. XPAT
    1. Discussion of Indexing
    2. Query Language
    3. "quieton raw" mode and CGI interface
    4. Discussion of Fabricated Regions
  3. Discussion of Unicode support in DLXS


  1. FindaidClass
    1. ead2002 DTD Overview
    2. Practical EAD Encoding Issues
    3. Data Preparation

Day 3


  1. FindaidClass
    1. Data Preparation (continued)
    2. Configuration


  1. FindaidClass
    1. Running FindaidClass

Day 4


  1. ImageClass
    1. Data Preparation


  1. ImageClass
    1. Configuration
    2. Running ImageClass

Day 5


  1. Development Environment
  2. User Interface
    1. HTML Templates
    2. Findaid Class
    3. Image Class


  1. BibClass
  2. OAI
  3. Broker
  4. Other Topics (if interest, TextClass, DLPS's use of CVS as an example of use of a version management system)
  5. Future Directions
  6. Wrap Up