Image Class XSL

Filename Description
Main top-level stylesheets (all work in consort with xml files of the same name)
browse.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying dynamic browsing contents, listed according to a variety of sort keys.
bbcustomorder.xsl Main stylesheet for manual sorting of portfolio items.
bbdelconfirm.xsl Main stylesheet for confirming portfolio deletion.
bbdel.xsl Main stylesheet for deleting a portfolio.
bbentry.xsl Main stylesheet for the full record of a portfolio item (similar to entry.xsl).
bbname.xsl Main stylesheet for naming or choosing a portfolio to add items to.
bbopen.xsl Main stylesheet for choosing a portfolio to open.
collinfo.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying collection info, such as the number of records and images.
entry.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying the full record (image, record, other views).
groups.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying the list of groups and collections within each.
index.xsl Main stylesheet for the collection home.
noresults.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying message when no results are found.
reslist.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying results as a text only list. Relies heavily on results.xsl.
searchgroup.xsl Search form for cross collection (group) searching.
search.xsl Search form for collection specific searching.
thumbfull.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying results as thumbnais with full record on the side. Relies heavily on shared stylesheets such as results.xsl.
thumbnail.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying results as traditional list of thumbnails with text under each. Relies heavily on shared stylesheets such as results.xsl.
tips.xsl Main stylesheet for displaying search help.
Global stylesheets incorporated in most pages
htmlhead.xsl This stylesheet provides just the html head portion of the resulting page.
displayheader.xsl This stylesheet displays the header on most pages.
displayheader_results.xsl This stylesheet compliments displayheader.xsl for results pages.
Other subsidiary stylesheets
browseoptions.xsl This stylesheet displays browsing options.
bbopenutils.xsl This stylesheet is used by other portfolio maintenance (open/name/delete) stylesheets.
entry_imagetools.xsl This stylesheet displays tools for viewing images at different sizes, etc.
fieldvalues.xsl This stylesheet displays the values of an Image Class data table field.
reslist_result.xsl This stylesheet handles the details of each result displayed on the "captions only" results page.
results_nav.xsl This stylesheet handles special results navigation items such as next and previous page links.
results.xsl This stylesheet handles the general display of all results pages.
thumbfull_result.xsl This stylesheet handles the details of each result displayed on the "images with full record" results page.
thumbnail_result.xsl This stylesheet handles the details of each result displayed on the "images with captions" results page.