Database Installation and Upgrading for Release 14

Database installation

For brand new DLXS middleware installations, create a new MySQL database following these MySQL database configuration instructions in the main documentation.

After the database is created, the next step is to install the sample database data contained in $DLXSROOT/misc/db/db-dump-v7.0-release.sql.

Let dlxs_v7 be the database name you chose for this installation. Note that this is the database name you supplied at the prompt when you ran the Installer. Use the mysql command line client to load the dump file like this:

% mysql -u dlxsadm -p dlxs_v7 < $DLXSROOT/misc/db/db-dump-v7.0-release.sql

That's it!

Database upgrading

If you already have a DLXS database set up for an earlier release, make a copy of it and then upgrade the copy to support the newly installed DLXS release.

Let's say your current database is named dlxs_v6 and the new database will be named dlxs_v7. To make a copy of your current MySQL database and upgrade it:

  1. dump dlxs_v6 using:
    mysqldump -u dlxsadm -p dlxs_v6 > dlxs_v6_dump.sql
  2. create an empty dlxs_v7 database as described in MySQL database configuration instructions in the main documentation.
  3. load dlxs_v6_dump.sql into dlxs_v7:
    mysql -u dlxsadm -p dlxs_v7 < dlxs_v6_dump.sql
  4. upgrade the copy of dlxs_v6 that you loaded into dlxs_v7:
    where $DLXSROOT is the root of the new DLXS release 14 installation. This means upgrade_6_7 will act on the database name you supplied when you installed release 14.

If your existing database version is more than one version behind 7, run the $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_* sequentially on the copied database, starting with the version of the copied database.

For example if you copied dlxs_v5 into dlxs_v7 then run, in order: $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_5_6 and $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_6_7. Again, $DLXSROOT would be the root of the new DLXS release 14 installation.

For reference:
DLXS releasedatabase version
11, 11a4
12, 12a5