package DlpsSession; use Exporter (); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); use Apache::Session::DBI; use CollsInfo; use SearchHistory; #use Bookbag; # pull in any configuration information require "DlpsSession.cfg"; # ********************************************************************** # this module is a wrapper for the Apache::Session::DBI object # The structure of this object is: # DlpsSession Object-> # {'id'} # session id # {'data'} # ref to regular Apache::Session::DBI object # # we then use the tied hash interface to get at # # the Apache::Session object. However, since we # # prefer the object method interface, the tied hash # # interface is here, while main and other modules use # # the object methodes ## ********************************************************************** # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : new # PURPOSE : create new DlpsSession object # # CALLED BY : # CALLS : DlpsSession->_initialize # INPUT : # RETURNS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->_initialize(@_); return $self; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _initialize # PURPOSE : create structure for DlpsSession object # CALLED BY : new # CALLS : # INPUT : see new # RETURNS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _initialize { my $self = shift; my $sid = shift; my %sessionHash = (); # if there was no incoming session id if ( ! $sid ) { tie %sessionHash, 'Apache::Session::DBI', undef, { DataSource => 'dbi:CSV:'. $sessionFileDir, UserName => 'dummyuser', Password => 'password' }; ## set the session id for future use $sid = $sessionHash{_session_id}; if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} == 2 ) { print( qq{


} ); } } else { tie %sessionHash, 'Apache::Session::DBI', $sid, { DataSource => 'dbi:CSV:' . $sessionFileDir, UserName => 'dummyuser', Password => 'password' }; if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} == 2 ) { print( qq{


} ); } } # save the Apache::Session::DBI id and tied hash in this DlpsSession wrapper object $self->{'id'} = $sid; $self->{'data'} = \%sessionHash; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : UpdateSessionColls # PURPOSE : compare currently authorized collections with previously # authorized collections as represented in the CollsInfoObject # stored in the Session Object. If equal, do nothing. If different, # user has likely re-authenticated; therefore update the Session's # CollsInfo object. # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : CollsInfoObject->GetRequestedCollIds() # INPUT : ref to array of currently authorized collections; ref # to Session hash # RETURNS : 0 if not equal; 1 if equal # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub UpdateSessionColls { my $self = shift; my ( $collDbName, $authzdCollsRef, $reqCollsRef )= @_; my $sessionRef = $self->{'data'}; # my %sessionHash = %$sessionRef; # if no CollsInfoObject exists in the session return false, need to build new CIO if ( ! $sessionRef->{'cio'} ) { $self->_RefreshCio( $collDbName, $authzdCollsRef, $reqCollsRef ); } # otherwise, compare to see if there has been a change since last authorization else { my $sessionCio = $sessionRef->{'cio'}; my @sessionColls = $sessionCio->GetCollIds(); # create sorted, joined string for both arrays of colls, and compare my $authzdCollsString = join ( '', sort ( @{ $authzdCollsRef } ) ); my $sessionCollsString = join ( '', sort ( @sessionColls ) ); if ( ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'session' ) || ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' ) ) { print ( qq{
\nComparing authzdColls: $authzdCollsString
\n} . qq{with
\n}. qq{sessionColls: $sessionCollsString} ); } if ( $authzdCollsString ne $sessionCollsString ) { if ( ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'session' ) || ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' ) ) { print(qq{refreshing session\'s collinfo object
\n}); } $self->_RefreshCio( $collDbName, $authzdCollsRef, $reqCollsRef ); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _RefreshCio # PURPOSE : remove any old CollsInfo object in the Session and create a new # one from the current authorized colls list # CALLED BY : DlpsSession->UpdateSessionColls # CALLS : CollsInfo->new # INPUT : refs to arrays of authorized and requested collections # RETURNS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _RefreshCio { my $self = shift; my ( $collDbName, $authzdCollsRef, $reqCollsRef ) = @_; my $sessionRef = $self->{'data'}; # my %sessionHash = %$sessionRef; if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} >= 1 ) { print qq{

Inside Refresh method

\n}; } # remove old CollsInfo object if there is one if ( $sessionRef->{'cio'} ) { delete ( $sessionRef->{'cio'} ); } # create new one CollsInfo object and attach to session my $cio = new CollsInfo ( $collDbName, $authzdCollsRef, $reqCollsRef ); $sessionRef->{'cio'} = $cio; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetCollsInfoObject # PURPOSE : retrieve the CollsInfo obj attached to this session # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : CollsInfo object # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetCollsInfoObject { my $self = shift; my $sessionRef = $self->{'data'}; # my %sessionHash = %$sessionRef; return $sessionRef->{'cio'}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetSessionId # PURPOSE : retrieve the session id for this session # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : session id # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetSessionId { my $self = shift; return $self->{'id'}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : Close # PURPOSE : update time stamp on this DlpsSession and close it # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Close { my $self = shift; my $sessionRef = $self->{'data'}; ## update last used info: get system date my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime(time); my $date = ($year+1900) . $mon . $mday; $sessionRef->{'timestamp'} = $date; # release DlpsSession untie ( %{$sessionRef} ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : # PURPOSE : # # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetSessionItemByKey { my $self = shift; my ( $key, $item ) = @_; my $sessionRef = $self->{'data'}; ${$sessionRef}{$key} = $item; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : # PURPOSE : # # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetSessionItemByKey { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $sessionRef = $self->{'data'}; return ${$sessionRef}{$key}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : SetBookbag # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : # INPUT : # # RETURNS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetBookbag { my $self = shift; my $bbo = shift; $self->SetSessionItemByKey( 'bookbag', $bbo ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetBookbag # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : # INPUT : # # RETURNS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBookbag { my $self = shift; my $bbo = undef; $bbo = $self->GetSessionItemByKey( 'bookbag' ); if ( ! defined( $bbo ) ) { $bbo = new Bookbag; $self->SetBookbag( $bbo ); } return $bbo; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : SetSearchHistory # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : # INPUT : # # RETURNS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetSearchHistory { my $self = shift; my $sho = shift; $self->SetSessionItemByKey( 'searchhistory', $sho ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetSearchHistory # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # # RETURNS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetSearchHistory { my $self = shift; my $sho = undef; $sho = $self->GetSessionItemByKey( 'searchhistory' ); if ( ! defined( $sho ) ) { $sho = new SearchHistory; $self->SetSearchHistory( $sho ); } return $sho; } ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1;