package ProcIns; use Exporter (); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); # ********************************************************************** # this module is for ProcIns objects, which are essentially # hashes of references to subroutines and the parameters they take; # to be used as input to the ProcessPIs subroutine in # and by specific filtering routines. # # It is a way of storing code and parameters for filtering in # html templates in a generic way. PageHandling::ProcessPIs takes a ref # to the html template and a ProcIns object (with proper routines attached) # and calls subroutines to do the filtering based on the instructions # found in the PI text. # # The structure of this object is: # ProcIns Object-> # {'instruction'} (processing instruction text # {'sub'} (reference to subroutine to run # {'subclass'} (reference to array of parameters to pass to sub) # # ********************************************************************** # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : new # PURPOSE : create new ProcIns object # # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : ProcIns->_initialize # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # $self->_initialize(@_); return $self; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : AddPI # PURPOSE : Add a Processing Instruction and its subroutine information # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : string, ref to sub, ref to array of parameters # RETURNS : NONE # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AddPI { my $self = shift; my ( $ins, $subRef, $parmListRef ) = @_; $self->{$ins}{'sub'} = $subRef; $self->{$ins}{'parms'} = $parmListRef; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : ProcessPIs # PURPOSE : run through a string of HTML and farm out the handling of # any processing instructions it encounters # CALLED BY : # CALLS : subroutines based on instructions # INPUT : ref to html template text, ProcIns object # RETURNS : ref to string of html text, now with any processable # PIs processed # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : First, we make a working copy of the input string, and a new string. # Then, running through the string matching for PIs, we grab # $` (the text before the match) and concat it to the new string. # Then, we process the PI if we have a subroutine to handle it, and # concat that to the new string. Then we make the working string # equal to the post match string and repeat. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ProcessPIs { my $self = shift; my $sRef = shift; # regular expression to be used to match any processing instruction # within an html page template, of the form: # or my $PIRegExp = '<\?([^\s>]+\s*)(([^\s>]+\s*)*)>'; # make working copy of input html text my $s = $$sRef; # make new string to gather up processed text my $newS = ''; while ( $s =~ m,$PIRegExp,gs ) { my $pre = $`; my $pi = $&; my $instruction = $1; my $piParams = $2; my $post = $'; # remove trailing spaces, if any $instruction =~ s,\s*$,,; # this splits up the p1=val1 p2=val2 into a hash, properly indexed by p's my %piParams = split ( /=|\s+/, $piParams ); # remove quotes from values and downcase all keys and values # so that PI atribute names (not values) can be case insensitive my %lcParams = (); foreach my $p ( keys ( %piParams ) ) { my $tempParam = $piParams{$p}; $tempParam =~ s,\",,g; my $lcP = lc ( $p ); $lcParams{$lcP} = $tempParam; } # grab routine to run for this instruction my $sub = $self->GetSub( $instruction ); my $parms = $self->GetParms( $instruction ); # add pre-match text to output string $newS .= $pre; # if there is no subroutine defined, return Processing Instruction # to the text if ( ! ( defined ( $sub ) ) ) { $newS .= $pi; } # if there is a subroutine defined, run it and tack on # results to the new string else { $newS .= &$sub( @$parms, \%lcParams ); } # finally, replace $s so that match starts from here on $s = $post; } # grab last part of incoming text, after the last match. $newS .= $s; $$sRef = $newS; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetSub # PURPOSE : return reference to particular subroutine in this object # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : instruction string # RETURNS : reference to a subroutine # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetSub { my $self = shift; my $ins = shift; if ( exists ( ${ $self}{$ins} ) ) { if ( defined ( $self->{$ins}{'sub'} ) ) { return ( $self->{$ins}{'sub'} ); } else { return \&SimpleSubstitution; # reference to anon. subroutine } } else { return undef; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : SimpleSubstitution # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SimpleSubstitution { my $s = shift; return $s; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetParms # PURPOSE : return reference to particular list of parameters in this object # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : instruction string # RETURNS : reference to an array # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetParms { my $self = shift; my $ins = shift; if ( ( exists ( $ {$self}{$ins} ) ) && ( defined ( $self->{$ins}{'parms'} ) ) ) { return ( $self->{$ins}{'parms'} ); } else { return undef; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : StripPIPairContents # PURPOSE : remove a Proc Instruction open and close tag pair # and everything between # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub StripPIPairContents { my $self = shift; my ( $sRef, $instruction ) = @_; my $insTagRegExp = $instruction . '\s*(([^\s>]+\s*)*)'; $$sRef =~ s,<\?$insTagRegExp>.*<\?/$insTagRegExp>,,gs; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : StripPIPairTags # PURPOSE : remove a Proc Instruction open and close tag pair # but leave everything between # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub StripPIPairTags { my $self = shift; my ( $sRef, $instruction ) = @_; my $insTagRegExp = $instruction . '\s*(([^\s>]+\s*)*)'; $$sRef =~ s,<\?/?$insTagRegExp>,,gs; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : # PURPOSE : # # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #sub SimpleSubstitutePI #{ # my $sRef = shift; #}; ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1;