package WW; # ===================================================================== # # WW (Cross-collection W)ordW)heel) library for retrieving slices of # words to be placed in a "word wheel" display. Uses pat50 to index # and retrieves words and their occurrences in a database. # # Author: Phil Farber # Created: Tue May 2 11:47:56 2000 # largely based on Alan Pagliere's XWW which was in turn # based loosely on which was in turn # based loosely on original which used # text files to grep through, rather than a pat50-indexed SGML file. # # Usage: to get results of WW search from module: # # my $wwResults = new WW ( # $collsInfo, ## collection information object # $realm, # $R::chartype, # $R::q1, # $tabsize, # $mode, # $top, # $bottom, # ); # # ===================================================================== use strict; use DlpsUtils qw( :DEFAULT ); use CollsInfo; use XPat; require 'ww2.cfg'; use vars qw( %collectHash %gWWModes %gWWChartypes ); use Exporter ( ); use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT ); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT = qw( %gWWChartypes %gWWModes ); # ----- file scoped lexicals ----- my %gRegions = ( 'e' => q{(region "E")}, 'e-t' => q{(region "E-T")}, 'a-n' => q{(region "A-N")}, 'a-l' => q{(region "A-L")}, 'realm' => q{(region "REALM")}, 'realmname' => q{(region "REALMNAME")}, 'coll' => q{(region "COLL")}, 'collname' => q{(region "COLLNAME")}, 'alpha' => q{(region "ALPHA")}, 'num' => q{(region "NUM")}, 'misc' => q{(region "MISC")}, ); my %gRegionFormats = ( 'e' => q{"E"}, 'e-t' => q{"E-T"}, 'realm' => q{"REALM"}, 'realmname' => q{"REALMNAME"}, 'coll' => q{"COLL"}, 'collname' => q{"COLLNAME"}, 'alpha' => q{"ALPHA"}, 'num' => q{"NUM"}, 'misc' => q{"MISC"}, ); # Errors my %gWWObjERRORS = ( 'NO_MODE' => qq{Invalid mode: }, 'NO_CHAR' => qq{Invalid character type: }, 'NO_XPAT' => qq{Unable to start XPAT process: }, 'NO_TERM' => qq{Search term has zero length or consists solely of whitespace. }, 'NO_RESULT' => qq{Search term not present in collection: }, ); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->initialize(@_); return $self; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : initialize # PURPOSE : initialize a WW object # CALLED BY : new # CALLS : CollPatInit, # INPUT : see above # RETURNS : object ref # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub initialize { my $self = shift; my ( $cio, $realm, $chartype, $term, $top, $bottom, $tabsize, $mode ) = @_; my @colls = $cio->GetRequestedCollIds( ); # valid chartype, mode? die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_MODE'} . $mode if ( ! $gWWModes{$mode} ); die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_CHAR'} . $chartype if ( ! $gWWChartypes{$chartype} ); COLLECTION: foreach my $coll ( @colls ) { # Start pat session for this coll eval { my $pat = $self->_WWStartXPatProcess( $coll, $cio ); # If building a new wordwheel do a $term search. # Otherwise, use either $top or $bottom as the term # depending on scroll mode my $searchTerm; SWITCH: { if ( $mode eq $gWWModes{'prev'} ) { $searchTerm = $top; last SWITCH; } if ( $mode eq $gWWModes{'next'} ) { $searchTerm = $bottom; last SWITCH; } if ( $mode eq $gWWModes{'new'} ) { $searchTerm = $term; last SWITCH; } } my ( $foundWord, $n, $l, $collWindowRef ); if ( $gWWChartypes{$chartype} eq 'alpha' ) { # Get closest word match for collection, realm and chartype ( $foundWord, $n, $l ) = &_FirstSearch( $pat, $coll, $realm, $chartype, $searchTerm ); if( ! $self->{'bestmatch'} || length( $foundWord ) > length( $self->{'bestmatch'} ) ) { $self->{'bestmatch'} = $foundWord; } # Get $collWindowRef which is an array of termarrays $collWindowRef = &_RangeSearch( $pat, $coll, $realm, $chartype, $n, $foundWord, $tabsize, $mode ); } else { $collWindowRef = &_NonAlphaSearch( $pat, $coll, $realm, $chartype ); # Don't care, really... $self->{'bestmatch'} = ( $gWWChartypes{$chartype} eq 'num' ) ? "1" : "&"; } $self->{'colls'}{$coll}{'window'} = $collWindowRef; $self->{'colls'}{$coll}{'hitterm'} = $foundWord; # Remember table size to return the right sized slice. For non alpha # it is the entire chartype. $self->{'tabsize'} = ( $gWWChartypes{$chartype} eq 'alpha' ) ? $tabsize : scalar ( $$collWindowRef ); $self->{'mode'} = $mode; $self->{'chartype'} = $chartype; $self->{'realm'} = $realm; # Done with this pat session $self->_WWStopXPatProcess( ); if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} && ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' || $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'ww' )) { $self->_WWDumpColl( $coll ); } }; if ( $@ ) { # Trap collections for which we cannot fire up PAT (or for # search failures, etc.) for whatever reason if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} && ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' || $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'ww' )) { print( "
Problem with collection: $coll: $@\n
" ); } next COLLECTION; } } if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} && ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' || $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'ww' )) { $self->_WWDumpTable( ); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _WWDumpColl # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : WW object reference implicit # RETURNS : String of the structure of the object # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _WWDumpColl { my $self = shift; my $coll = shift; my $toPrint .= "
Wordwheel: Individual collection: $coll ******\n";

    # coll indexed element in $self is an anonymous array with a
    # reference to an array of anonymous arrays of four elements
    # plus new top and bottom numbers
    my $collWindowRef = $self->{'colls'}{$coll}{'window'};

    $toPrint .= " Term \tLemma \tSeq \tOcc\n";
    for my $termListRef ( @$collWindowRef )
	my ( $term, $lemma, $seq, $occur ) = @{$termListRef};
	$toPrint .= " " . join( "\t", $term, $lemma, $seq, $occur ) . "\n";

    print( $toPrint . "
" ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _WWDumpTable # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : WW object reference implicit # RETURNS : String of the structure of the object # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _WWDumpTable { my $self = shift; # Return cached copy if it exists if ( ! defined( $self->{'combinedtable'} ) ) { $self->GetCombinedTable( ); } my $tableRef = $self->{'combinedtable'}; my $toPrint = "
Wordwheel: Combined Table Data:\n";
    my $topTerm = $self->{'top'};
    my $bottomTerm = $self->{'bottom'};
    my $bestIndex = $self->{'bestindex'};
    $toPrint .= "  XColl Top: $topTerm\n  XColl Bottom: $bottomTerm\n  XColl Best Index: $bestIndex\n";
    $toPrint .= "  TABLE:term\tocc\n";
    my $i;
    for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @$tableRef ); $i++ )
	my $word = $ {$$tableRef[$i]}[0];
	my $occur = $ {$$tableRef[$i]}[1];
	$toPrint .= "  \t$word\t$occur\n";
    print( $toPrint . "
" ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetCombinedTable # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : WW object # $tabsize - number of table rows # RETURNS : list of 2-element lists: term and total of all its occurences # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : the rows of the table are indexed 0-relative # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetCombinedTable { my $self = shift; local %collectHash; my $tabsize = $self->{'tabsize'}; my $mode = $self->{'mode'}; my $chartype = $self->{'chartype'}; my @table; # Return cached copy if it exists if ( defined( $self->{'combinedtable'} ) ) { return ( $self->{'combinedtable'}, $self->{'bestindex'} ); } foreach my $coll ( keys ( %{$self->{'colls'}} ) ) { my $collWindowRef = $self->{'colls'}{$coll}{'window'}; foreach my $termListRef ( @$collWindowRef ) { # Get separate numbers for each term in this coll my ( $term, $lemma, $seq, $occur ) = @{$termListRef}; # If collection uses lemmas, all words have lemmas so # $lemma will be defined. We want to sort across # collections that may live in different locales so we use # the lemma instead of the word if available because it # will sort correctly in the lowest-common-denominator # locale ('C') my $tmpLemma = defined( $lemma ) ? $lemma : $term; if ( exists( $collectHash{$term} ) ) { $ {$collectHash{$term}}[0] += $occur; } else { $collectHash{$term} = [$occur, $tmpLemma]; } } } # Put into table, in order, the union of all terms and their # occurences for my $term ( sort { my $aLemma = $ {$collectHash{$a}}[1]; my $bLemma = $ {$collectHash{$b}}[1]; if ( $aLemma =~ m,^[0-9], ) { $aLemma <=> $bLemma } else { $aLemma cmp $bLemma } } ( keys( %collectHash ) ) ) { push( @table, [$term, $ {$collectHash{$term}}[0]] ); } # For alphabetic, grab the correct slice based on table size and # scrolling. For non-alpha just return the entire table. my $bestIndex = undef; if ( $chartype eq 'alpha' ) { # Find index of word in combined table which corresponds to # the best match to the original search term my $i; FINDBESTINDEX: for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar( @table ); $i++ ) { if ( $self->{'bestmatch'} eq $table[$i][0] ) { $bestIndex = $i; last FINDBESTINDEX; } } # Take a table sized slice as a function of mode my ( $firstIndex, $lastIndex ); SWITCH: { if ( $mode eq 'new' ) { $firstIndex = Max( 0, $bestIndex - int( $tabsize/2 ) ); last SWITCH; } if ( $mode eq 'next' ) { $firstIndex = $bestIndex; last SWITCH; } if ( $mode eq 'prev' ) { $firstIndex = Max( 0, $bestIndex - $tabsize + 1 ); last SWITCH; } } # At boundaries, i.e. 'a' or 'z' the there may not be a full table # sized slice available in @table # $lastIndex = Max( $firstIndex, Min( scalar( @table ), $tabsize ) - 1 ); $lastIndex = Min( $firstIndex + $tabsize, scalar( @table ) ) - 1; @table = @table[$firstIndex .. $lastIndex]; } # Remember cross collection top and bottom $self->{'top'} = $table[0][0]; $self->{'bottom'} = $table[ scalar( @table ) - 1 ][0]; $self->{'combinedtable'} = \@table; $self->{'bestindex'} = $bestIndex; return ( \@table, $bestIndex ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetTopBottom # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : collection # RETURNS : top and bottom rows of most recent search across collections # chartype # mode # realm # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetTopBottom { my $self = shift; return ( $self->{'top'}, $self->{'bottom'} ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetMode # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : collection # RETURNS : mode # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetMode { my $self = shift; return $self->{'mode'}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetChartype # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : collection # RETURNS : chartype # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetChartype { my $self = shift; return $self->{'chartype'}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetRealm # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : collection # RETURNS : realm # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetRealm { my $self = shift; return $self->{'realm'}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _FirstSearch # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _FirstSearch { my ( $pat, $coll, $realmname, $chartype, $term ) = @_; my ( $foundTerm, $n, $l ); # Does term actually contain characters die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_TERM'} if ( ! length( $term ) || $term !~ m,\S, ); # Find the closest match to term requested ( $foundTerm, $n, $l ) = &_FindMatchByTerm( $pat, $term, $realmname, $chartype, $coll ); return ( $foundTerm, $n, $l ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _NonAlphaSearch # PURPOSE : get a window of the entire chartype, either numeric or # non-alphabetic. # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _NonAlphaSearch { my ( $pat, $coll, $realmname, $chartype ) = @_; my $nonAlphaRegion = qq{($gRegions{'e'} within $gRegions{$chartype})}; my $collRegion = qq{($gRegions{'coll'} incl ($gRegions{'collname'} incl "$coll"))}; my $realmRegion = qq{($gRegions{'realm'} incl ($gRegions{'realmname'} incl "$realmname"))}; my $query; $query = qq{(($nonAlphaRegion within $realmRegion) within $collRegion)}; $query = qq{pr.region.$gRegionFormats{'e'} $query;}; my ( $error, $result ) = $pat->GetSimpleResultsFromQuery( $query ); if ( $error ) { die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_RESULT'} . $result; } # $o not really needed, but grabbing for possible future use &_CleanPatCruft( \$result ); my @window = &_ParseMultipleResult( \$result ); if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} && ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' || $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'ww' )) { print( qq{

*** NonAlpha Search ***

\n} ); print( qq{

query: $query

\n} ); print( qq{

result: $result

\n} ); } # If we've not found anything at all .... if ( scalar( @window ) == 0 ) { die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_FIND'} . "Non-Alphanumeric"; } return ( \@window ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : StartXPatProcess # PURPOSE : start an XPat Process with this object's dd file, patexec # on this object's host # CALLED BY : WW::initialize # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _WWStartXPatProcess { my ( $self, $coll, $cio ) = @_; my $xpat = new XPat( &DlpsUtils::FindHostName, $cio->GetCollKeyInfo( $coll, 'host' ), $cio->GetCollKeyInfo( $coll, 'wwdd' ), $cio->GetCollKeyInfo( $coll, 'patexec' ), $cio->GetCollKeyInfo( $coll, 'port' ), ); # if XPat had an error starting up, its status should be 'ERROR'. # if so, set this TextClass's status to False my $xpatStatus = $xpat->GetStatus(); if ( $xpatStatus =~ m/^ERROR/ ) { die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_XPAT'} . $xpatStatus; } $self->{'xpat'} = $xpat; return $xpat; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _StopXPatProcess # PURPOSE : stop an XPat Process # CALLED BY : WW::initialize # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _WWStopXPatProcess { my $self = shift; my $xpat = $self->{'xpat'}; $xpat->SendCommand( 'stop' ); $self->{'xpat'} = undef; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _CleanPatCruft { my $rRef = shift; $$rRef =~ s,,,g; $$rRef =~ s,.*?,,g; $$rRef =~ s,.*?,,g; $$rRef =~ s,.*?,,g; $$rRef =~ s,,,g; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $resultRegexp = '(.*?)[ ]'; sub _ParseSingleResult { my $rRef = shift; # Find the first match (this assumes WordWheel sgml file was built # in alpha order) if ( $$rRef =~ m,$resultRegexp, ) { my $n = $1; my $o = $2; my $l = $4; my $w = $5; return ( $w, $n, $o, $l ); } else { # If no matches found, let caller know with an undef return undef; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _ParseMultipleResult # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : # RETURNS : list of four-element arrays, term, its lemma, its seq, # and its occurrences # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _ParseMultipleResult { my $rRef = shift; my @returnList ; my @eList = split ( /<\/E>/, $$rRef ); foreach my $e ( @eList ) { my ( $w, $n, $o, $l ) = &_ParseSingleResult( \$e ); push ( @returnList, [ $w , $l, $n, $o ] ); } return ( @returnList ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _FindMatchByTerm # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : pat object, # search term # collection name, # realm name, # character type, # RETURNS : best match to input term # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _FindMatchByTerm { my ( $pat, $searchTerm, $realmname, $chartype, $coll ) = @_; # Add a space to the term for searching because we create the sgml # like: someword my $term = $searchTerm . ' '; while ( 1 ) { my $termRestriction = qq{("$term" not within $gRegions{'e-t'})}; my $termRegion = qq{($gRegions{'e'} incl $termRestriction)}; my $collRegion = qq{($gRegions{'coll'} incl ($gRegions{'collname'} incl "$coll"))}; my $realmRegion = qq{($gRegions{'realm'} incl ($gRegions{'realmname'} incl "$realmname"))}; my $query; $query = qq{(( ($termRegion within $gRegions{$chartype}) within $realmRegion) within $collRegion)}; $query = qq{pr.region.$gRegionFormats{'e'} $query;}; my ( $error, $result ) = $pat->GetSimpleResultsFromQuery( $query ); if ( $error ) { die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_RESULT'} . $result; } # $o not really needed, but grabbing for possible future use &_CleanPatCruft( \$result ); my ( $foundTerm, $n, $o, $l ) = &_ParseSingleResult( \$result ); if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} && ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' || $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'ww' )) { print( qq{

*** First Search ***

\n} ); print( qq{

query: $query

\n} ); print( qq{

result: $result

\n} ); print( qq{

term number: $n

\n} ); print( qq{

occurrences: $o

\n} ); print( qq{

lemma: $l

\n} ); print( qq{

term found: $foundTerm

\n} ); } if ( defined( $foundTerm ) ) { return ( $foundTerm, $n, $l ); } else { # Loop again with one less character in the $term to find chop ( $term ); # If we've not found anything at all .... if ( length( $term ) == 0 ) { die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_FIND'} . $searchTerm; } } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _RangeSearch # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : pat object, # collection name, # realm name, # character type, # n # found word # table size (number of terms to return), # mode, # top (seq. number of top of table), # bottom (seq. number of bottom of table) # RETURNS : a table-sized list (a reference to window list of terms # from one collectiond and new top and bottom numbers) # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _RangeSearch { my ( $pat, $coll, $realm, $chartype, $n, $foundWord, $tabsize, $mode ) = @_; my ( @window, $topN, $bottomN, @rangeNumberList ); SWITCH: { if ( $mode eq $gWWModes{'new'} ) { my $radius = int( $tabsize / 2 ); $topN = Max( 0, $n - $radius ); $bottomN = $n + $radius; last SWITCH; } if ( $mode eq $gWWModes{'next'} ) { $topN = $n; $bottomN = $n + $tabsize - 1; last SWITCH; } if ( $mode eq $gWWModes{'prev'} ) { $bottomN = $n; $topN = Max( 0, $n - $tabsize + 1 ); last SWITCH; } } # Find the list of terms before and after the search term @rangeNumberList = ( $topN .. $bottomN ); my $rangeListText = qq{\"} . join (qq{ \"+\"}, @rangeNumberList ) . qq{ \"}; my $collWindowRef = &_GetWindowOfTerms( $pat, $rangeListText, $realm, $coll, $chartype ); return $collWindowRef; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : _GetWindowOfTerms # PURPOSE : # CALLED BY : # CALLS : # INPUT : pat object # string that is a pat search range of sequence numbers # to search for in N attribute, realm name, collection name # RETURNS : reference to an array of arrays, the sub arrays having # 4 elements: term, lemma, sequence number, occurences # GLOBALS : # SIDE-EFFECTS : # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _GetWindowOfTerms { my ( $pat, $rangeListText, $realmname, $coll, $chartype ) = @_; my $rangeRegion = qq{($gRegions{'e'} incl ($gRegions{'a-n'} incl ($rangeListText)))}; my $collRegion = qq{($gRegions{'coll'} incl ($gRegions{'collname'} incl "$coll"))}; my $realmRegion = qq{($gRegions{'realm'} incl ($gRegions{'realmname'} incl "$realmname"))}; my $query; $query = qq{((($rangeRegion within $gRegions{$chartype}) within $realmRegion) within $collRegion)}; $query = qq{pr.region.$gRegionFormats{'e'} $query;}; my ( $error, $result ) = $pat->GetSimpleResultsFromQuery( $query ); if ( $error ) { die $gWWObjERRORS{'NO_RESULT'} . $result; } # Get list of four-element arrays: each anonymous subarray is # term, its lemma, its seq, and its occurrences &_CleanPatCruft( \$result ); if ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} && ( $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'all' || $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq 'ww' )) { print( qq{

*** Range Search ***

\n} ); print( qq{

query: $query

\n} ); print( qq{

result: $result

\n} ); } my @window = &_ParseMultipleResult( \$result ); return ( \@window ); } 1; # Truth __END__;