Collection Manager (collmgr)

collmgr is a CGI program that functions as an interface to the collection and group databases. Collmgr is basically an interface to the collection and group tables in the DLXS MySQL database.

Let's look at a few examples of how collmgr is used to manage collection data. To invoke collmgr: (replace ______ with your account user id.

For a full list of the tables in the collection and group database, see the DLXS documentation on the metadata database schema.

Workshop Note: The workshop setup is different than the DLPS development setup described in detail in the documentation. The workshop setup probably reflects how most sites will set up and use the Collection Manager. The main differences between the DLPS development setup described in DLXS Documentation on the Interaction between database rows, users, DLXS Middleware and collmgr are:

For more information on how the $REMOTE_USER environment variable and $DLPS_DEV environment variables affect the data values retrieved from the database (how to control testing vs. production vs. individual developers' environments) see the DLXS Documentation on the Interaction between database rows, users, DLXS Middleware and collmgr.