text-idx CGI Script

  1. Overview Diagram
  2. Functional Requirements
    1. Maintain Content Specialist's ability to add collections
    2. Cross collection searching
    3. Cross machine searching
    4. Accomodate texts with high and low levels of encoding
    5. Session:
      1. Bookbag
      2. Search History
  3. Configuration (cfg) files
    1. text-idx.cfg
  4. Objects used
    1. CGI
    2. TextClass and its subclasses
    3. CollsInfo
    4. XPat related
      1. XPat
      2. SearchSet and XPatResultSet
      3. RemoteXPatConnect
      4. QueryFactory and TerminologyMapper
    5. DlpsSession / Apache::Session
    6. SearchHistory
    7. Bookbag
    8. ProcIns
  5. Other modules used
    1. DlpsUtils.pm
    2. DevUtils.pm
  6. URL parameters
    1. page (request for an html page; e.g., to initiate a search)
    2. type (type of search; e.g., simple, booean, proximity)
    3. view (how to display results or item requested)
    4. id, node (for identifying object level or DIV level items)
  7. text-idx walkthrough
    1. high level
    2. deeper as needed